AFA publishes its 2022 Activity Report

by 19/07/2023Anti-corruption

TheFrench Anti-Corruption Agency: a fundamental, strategic and central player in the fight against Corruption publishes its 2022 Activity Report.

Here are a few key points/(misconceptions) and the full report.

AFA is only national?

FALSE - AFA works nationally in close collaboration with other government departments and administrations, but also internationally!

As a taxpayer, will I only be audited following a criminal indictment?

FALSE - The AFA can carry out inspections following a criminal indictment, as well as independently of a criminal investigation. This makes it possible to verify the quality and effectiveness of the prevention and detection measures and systems put in place.

Are "private" companies the only ones targeted?

FALSE - The AFA carries out its missions with regard to both public players and companies. In fact, a common risk management methodology enables the AFA to simultaneously audit a company and a public-sector player that interact with each other.

Are the methods recommended over the last 6 years sufficient?

FALSE - The AFA is implementing new procedures that are increasingly adapted to risk profiles. This means that insurers must constantly adapt to these new recommendations.

Does the AFA still have the same scope of action?

FALSE - The Waserman Act designated the AFA as an external authority for receiving reports of breaches of probity in public procurement and violations affecting the interests of the European Union.

Not forgetting that the Government has entrusted the AFA, in collaboration with all State administrations, with the preparation of the future multi-year National Anti-Corruption Plan, aimed at collectively defining a strategy at the highest State level to strengthen the effectiveness of the fight against corruption.

Activity report 2022 :

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