The Panorama of Fintech, Assurtech & RegTech 2023 on the French market

by 11/07/2023AP Solutions news

The Maddyness & platform58 study presents a fascinating overview of the evolution of Fintech, Assurtech and Regtech (KYC compliance / AML-CFT & Sapin 2).

Panorama 2023 FINTECH & ASSURTECH Maddyness

If 2022 was marked by sharp corrections - including across the Atlantic - this year, the French market has remained solid. The #Fintechs, #Assurtechs and #Regtechs retain their attractiveness and the dynamism of the technological advances they produce!

To enable companies to offer personalized services that are better adapted to the constraints of their customers and regulators, new fintechs, assurtechs & regtechs in B2B offer a more fluid user experience by directly integrating financial, insurance or compliance automation services AML-CFT (Anti-Money Laundering) into efficient third-party applications.

The new golden age of Regtechs!

With the accelerating digitalization of financial services and the arrival of new uses, all economic activities (...) are faced with new challenges. Not only must they adapt to a constantly evolving technological environment, but they must also meet increasingly stringent regulatory requirements, particularly in terms of the fight against fraud and money laundering.

In this context, technological innovation plays an essential role. Regtechs, with their solutions based on artificial intelligence, data analysis and machine learning, offer new tools for real-time monitoring and analysis of financial transactions, making it easier to detect suspicious activity and comply with new regulations.

The adoption of service technologies that offer ever-faster, more instantaneous exchanges and an increasingly fluid user experience exposes financial institutions to increased risks in terms of data security and regulatory compliance.

The challenge is twofold: on the one hand, institutions must adopt and integrate these innovative technologies to remain competitive and meet the expectations of modern consumers. On the other, they must ensure the security of their systems and customer data, while complying with current regulatory standards, particularly those relating to the prevention of fraud and money laundering. To navigate this complex landscape, regtechs will need to constantly reassess their strategy and continue to work with regulators to ensure a safer digital transition.

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