The most powerful KYC & AML-CFT compliance solution on the market

compliance solution

The vocation of AP Solutions IO's "turnkey" tools is to detect sensitive people or transactions in a productive, traceable & explainable, fluid & rapid way, in order to comply with the regulations and reporting obligations to which you are subject.

Objective 100% Regulatory Compliance with drastically reduced processing time thanks to a formidable, end-to-end automated detection and reduction engine, with over 70 reduction criteria and real-time response!

Flawless detection performance so you don't miss a single sensitive alert, ultra-efficient dynamic parameterization to reduce the false-positive rate by up to 98%, and an optimized alert reopening system to keep only real changes made to watch lists.

The tool performs systematic screening in real time at the point of contact, and daily screening of the customer/third-party portfolio at no extra cost. It traces, explains and stores all actions, so as to be ready for any control by the competent authorities.

No need to log on every day to find out if due diligence is required, APScan takes care of everything and informs you in real time of any changes requiring operator review.

Outsource alert management KYC and AML-CFT Thanks to the powerful automation of our tools, you can save unprecedented amounts of time, tending towards "Zero administration" so that you can concentrate on your business.

A complete range of actions : Filter, Detect & Process counterparties vis-à-vis "listed" entities: Global/regional sanctions / asset freezes, Politically Exposed Person / RCARelatives and Close Associates, Unfavorable Media, Beneficial Owners, identification of Countries and Currencies under embargo, internal lists, Dow Jones, Acuris, Open Data (INPI, ORIAS, deceased persons...) with an optimization of the reporting process and a drastic reduction in the processing of suspicions and their declaration. Move from the world of regulatory reporting to "Zero admin" regulatory intelligence .

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AP solutions

Comply with regulatory obligations to detect sensitive persons (Sanctions, Asset freezes, PEP and their relatives, reputational risks, Country risks...) thanks to the SaaS APScan solution.

This turnkey product automates your entire detection process and makes it easy to manage alerts.

Detection is carried out instantaneously on entering into a relationship, and periodically on your entire database of Third Parties (natural and legal persons).

Thanks to the latest-generation reduction engine, you can limit false positives and accelerate your business.

Configuration is in No-Code and available through the Compliance Officers' own interface. All actions are traced/explained and exportable via reports.


Comply with regulatory requirements for detecting international sanctions and/or identifying embargoed countries and currencies with APFilter's SaaS solution.

This turnkey product supports various transaction formats, including ISO20022 (SEPA, SCT, SDD, MX) and SWIFT FIN MT.

Detection is instantaneous, thanks not only to a high-performance detection engine, but also toFull-API integration with Core Banking systems.

Filtering by data type (name, country, currency, BIC, IBAN, etc.) and an easily-configurable reduction engine minimize the number of suspicions, making your various transfers more fluid and risk-free.

Your Compliance Officers can define your compliance policy in No-Code, or even "on the fly". 

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In the face of constantly evolving money laundering and terrorist financing threats, financial institutions need to implement robust risk assessment systems AML-CFT. However, traditional manual processes are often time-consuming, inefficient and inflexible.

Introducing AP Scoring: an Augmented Intelligence solution for optimized risk assessment AML-CFT .

AP Scoring revolutionizes risk assessment AML-CFT by using powerful algorithms to analyze customer data and financial transactions. This automated approach enables real-time, dynamic risk assessment, guaranteeing better identification of at-risk customers.

The concrete benefits of AP Scoring for your financial institution :


Know Your Customer(KYC): Know Your Customer is the process of verifying the identity and integrity of customers. European regulations require this verification in order to prevent corruption, money laundering, tax fraud and the financing of terrorism (AML-CFT). Changes in the regulatory framework (EBA, Sapin 2, AML-CFT, etc.) require certain institutions to extend their Know Your Suppliers(KYS) program.

AML-CFT The fight againstmoney launderingand terrorist financing. With the constant evolution of regulations, this has become a major concern for companies, which are subject to heavy fines in the event of non-compliance, and can engage the criminal liability of company directors.

  • Before entering into a business relationship: obligation to identify the " Beneficial Owner"; even for an occasional customer, and to screen the lists of Global/Regional Sanctions, Assets Freeze, Politically Exposed Person, RCA Relatives and Close Associates, Unfavorable Media, identification of countries and currencies under embargo...
  • Throughout the business relationship: the third-party repository must be constantly updated, and any change in information (such as an IBAN change, company closure or merger, PEP, RCA exposure, etc.) must lead to a new verification by the teams in charge, so daily screening is a must.
  • At the end of the business relationship: once the Ultimate Beneficiary's account has been closed, all related documents and information must be archived for a period of 5 years.

An anti-corruption or AML-CFT includes a preventive procedure to assess the integrity of third parties. The aim of this assessment is to guard against the risks of a breach of probity to which an organization is exposed by its relationship with a third party, be they customers, suppliers and service providers, intermediaries, subcontractors, holders of public contracts, concessionaires, delegatees, beneficiaries of subsidies, users, partners, etc., i.e. any natural or legal person with whom the company has a relationship and who may expose it to potential risks of a breach of probity. APScan enables you to identify sensitive persons: people under sanctions/freezing of assets (national, EU & international sanctions, Assets Freeze), politically exposed persons (PEP) and their relatives (RCA - Relative & Close Associates), reputational risks / negative press (AME - Adverse MEdia), Country risks (EmbargoVigilance), other open data lists... This detection is based on fuzzy logiclogic imposed by regulations. Identity verification is carried out prior toAPScan, using an internal tool where you have collected information on the third party and supporting documents. The more qualitative input data we have: Last name, First name, Gender, Date of birth, Country of birth, Nationality, SIREN... the more our filtering limits false positives. AP Scan integrates more than 70 parameters to precisely define the alerts to be excluded during sanctions / PEP / Adverse Media screening . APScan performs data enrichment:

  • Obtaining the Beneficial Ownersfor a legal entity: the Sapin II - Anti-corruption law, even requires that companies subject to the law check that the BEs declared by their Third Parties (customers, suppliers...) are the same as those referenced by the authorities,
  • Possibility of obtaining additional information about the legal entity,
  • Verification of the validity of the Orias number (Organisme pour le Registre unique des intermédiaires en assurance, banque et finance, an association under the law of 1901, under the supervision of the French Treasury).
  • ...

No Code: No code facilitates the design and scalability of digital tools based on simple, intuitive visual interfaces. When it comes to compliance, every company sets up its own customized system, which is why it's so important to be able to rely on an application that can be easily and rapidly customized. There's no need for IT skills, no need to know how to code. Non-computer-savvy users can configure the various functions independently, just as they would with a simple tool like Excel! API : API stands forApplication Programming Interface. An API makes it possible to access an application's functions or data remotely, usually from another application, via a standard application interface. A request is sent to the target software, if possible respecting open standards. Saas : Software as a Service(SaaS) is a distribution model for web-hosted applications. The SaaS solution offers improved access to data from any networked device. It makes it easier to manage privileges, control data use and enable everyone to consult the same information at the same time, in complete security.

In addition to its stand-alone mode, APScan can also be integrated into an Information System (IS) thanks to its " Full API* " architecture. Our tools use the latest standards in terms of API/Web Services, giving you simplified connection/integration. (*) API API stands forApplication Programming Interface, a software solution that enables two applications to communicate with each other. (*) CRM (Customer Relationship Management). This is a set of tools implemented in companies to optimize customer relations, build customer loyalty and increase sales. (*) HRIS: An HRIS, or Human Resources Information System, is a system that integrates several software packages to manage - and sometimes automate - a number of human resources functions. Depending on the solution implemented by the company, the HRIS may cover employee identification, payroll management, career development, training and recruitment.

APScan offers several types of "off-the-shelf" reports, as well as reports created on demand. This enables you to have reports tailored to your needs, for example, in response to requests made within the framework of the QLB (QLB = Annual "anti-money laundering" questionnaire from the ACPR - Autoritéde Contrôle Prudentielet de Résolution- to which all professionals subject to the AML-CFT must respond).

The expertise of AP Solutions IO's teams is comprehensive, with employees who are long-standing experts in the market. Expertise :

  • Compliance (obligations, regulations, etc.),
  • Operational (review of alerts, etc.),
  • Product (needs, functionalities...),
  • Techniques

This expertise means we can meet any challenge without ever being caught out. This will reassure you in your choice during the Demo, Project and Consulting phases. Our expertise also enables us to keep a close watch on regulations , so as to anticipate future constraints and ensure that we have a firm grasp of current ones.

Our detection engine offers outstanding detection quality thanks to extremely precise parameterization, resulting in fewer "false positives". false positives ". Fewer alerts to review = Fewer suspicions to clear

  • Fewer operators/users required (HR cost optimization)
  • Business fluidity (less waiting for file validation = less prospect abandonment = more signatures)

Once you've chosen the package of lists to be screened, AP Solutions IO will provide you with a quote based on your volumes. There are no hidden costs! The subscription fee depends on the number of third parties to be filtered, and the type of lists selected for filtering. There are no license fees, the number of users is unlimited, and there are no set-up costs. Subscription is for 12 months, renewable, with the option of leaving free of charge during the first 3 months. Billing is based on the number of names filtered, regardless of the number of queries on a given name. 1 record is valid for the entire annual subscription, with an unlimited number of screenings. If you perform 5, 10 or 100 queries on the "Dupont" client, the billing remains the same... 1 unit. In other words, billing is not based on the number of queries, but on the number of customers filtered; whereas some charge by the number of screens, knowing that it is mandatory to screen your Tiers portfolio daily! A starter kit is included in our offer - technical support (referencing and opening of authorized accounts, etc.) and functional support (study of "false positives", etc.). false positives "study, configuration, training...). Thereafter, support is ongoing. Since AP Solutions IO owns all its resources, it's easy to modify or upgrade a few parameters. This is essential, as your needs will evolve over time, particularly when you are installing your first system.

Our interface has been optimized to allow rapid review of alerts, and a drastic reduction in "false positives". false positives ". Where it used to take more than twenty clicks to close a file, today with APScan, our latest-generation tool, you can do it in less than 3 clicks!

APScan supports both standard and administrator users. It is also possible to define perimeters/areas per user. Example: You have several branches. Each user only has access to the files for his own branch. It is not possible to view the records of other agencies. You can set up profiles for each item of information/action in the application.

All user and/or system actions are traced and explained in the audit trail.

APScan offers a high degree of customization:

  • Intermediate workflow statuses * (for different review/escalation levels**, for example)
  • Reasons for " False positives"*** (providing a repository of reasons for disqualification, rather than "free text" comments = better reporting)
  • Follow-Up actions ****
  • etc...

* A workflow is a series of steps linked to the processing of data, and is the modeling and management of business processes. In its simplest definition, workflow is the modeling and management of the tasks to be performed and the various actors involved in carrying out a business or operational process. ** An escalation procedure is the process of transferring a customer request to a specialized person who can help. Escalation procedures are generally implemented when the customer's problem is too complex and requires specific expertise. *** False positives occur when a system mistakenly considers an innocuous transaction to be suspicious and flags it for verification. If the compliance officer could identify false positives earlier, he or she could get on with more important tasks. AP Scan can drastically reduce false positives. **** Follow-up literally means "to follow" or "to pursue". In fact, when we speak of follow-up strategies, we imply that we have already obtained a contact. Consequently, follow-up involves maintaining contact over time. This lead will be educated and progressively qualified until it becomes a customer.

AP Solutions IO has defined a service level agreement. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) protocol provides you with maximum response times (in working days) for AP Solutions IO to respond to various requests or events that could arise and impact the proper use of our services.

The detection and reduction engines carry a load of several million Thirds/Records in the database, compared with several million listed entities.

In addition to APScan, APFilter enables you to comply with regulatory requirements concerning the detection of international sanctions and/or the identification of countries & currencies under embargo. It can be interconnected with AP Scan. Detection is instantaneous, thanks to a high-performance detection engine, as well asFull-API integration with core banking systems. Filtering adapted to data typologies (names, countries, currencies, BIC, IBAN, etc.) and an easily-configurable reduction engine minimize the number of suspicions, so that your various transfers run smoothly and without risk.

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